Welcome to the Fort Campbell, KY resource website for Military Pagans! Here you can find information
on the Military Pagan Network as well as local events, stores and resources open to all people of Earth Honoring Traditions.
This Site is slowly being updated. Please check back often!
We are honored that you are visiting our local resource web site for military Pagans and Military Pagan Network
(MPN) members! As Pagans, the majority of us hold education and tolerance in high regard; we are always striving to find new
ways to seek tolerance and education for those who misunderstand who we are and what we believe in.
So why this website? The purpose of this website is to inform the military pagans stationed in this area, of local
resources and sources of support. This web site allows us to reach people we may never have been able to contact before. This
site is to be used to access information about the local area and as a resource for broadening your faith and protecting
your rights as a Pagan in the service. We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you might have. This
website is maintained by local Military Pagan Network (MPN) members and volunteers. If you see something that should
be here or you would like to volunteer, please contact us! Please remember that this website is just a regional resource site and that if you want more information
on MPN you must visit the headquarters website.
So what is the Military Pagan Network? MPN is an advocacy organization for military Pagans, it is secular in
nature, and cannot legally "sponsor" any individual religious group, however large or small. Their mission is to advocate
for those that are faced with harassment or discrimination, facilitate networking within the military Pagan community, and
provide information to military and government agencies regarding various Neopagan practices and suggest additions or modifications
to regulations and policies to include and take into consideration Neopagan religions and practices. The network is member
supported and relies on dues and donations to fund various publications, projects and to cover administrative costs. They
are tax-exempt under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501(c)3, as such
all donations to MPN are tax deductible. If you would like to become a member or donate to the cause, please go to the Headquarters
website at http://www.milpagan.org/
Next Meeting for
Fort Campbell Pagans
TBA... Topics that we would like
to discuss are: What have been your experiences as a Fort Campbell Pagan? What obstacles have you encountered? In addition,
what sources of support have you found?
Meetings: We would like to host monthly
meetings in the near future to function as both a social outlet and a forum for discussing issues facing local Military
Pagans. Before every meeting we will have a short "meet & greet" session so you can have a chance at meeting local
MPN members and network with other area Pagans. We will then have a structured topic of discussion or a guest speaker.
Topics can vary from, “problems celebrating your faith while deployed” to “ways to provide outreach to the
community.” Afterwards, we can talk about any current MPN initiatives and someone will be on hand to answer any questions
that you have about MPN!
Please keep in mind that
these meetings are designed for the support of military pagans, (active duty, reserve, family members, etc...) so
that they can get together and network; as well as discuss issues that they face in their unique community.
These meetings are in NO way exclusive to the military, to pagans, or MPN members,
as long as you support these groups, we are glad to have you! There are already established chat nights in
TN and Hopkinsville, KY so we will NOT host our meetings on the same night or at the same locations. We want you
to be able to take advantage of all the networking opportunities in the area!
Please get in touch to offer comments and
join our mailing list for announcements and special events. If you wish to only receive the monthly events letter, please
mark your membership as "Special Announcements.” If you wish to network, please choose "individual messages" or
"digest" when joining the list.
Clarksville, TN serving the Fort Campbell, KY community
MPN graphic belongs to Military Pagan Network, Inc.