The Sacred Well Congregation of Texas |
The Sacred Well Congregation of Texas is a universalist, independent, non-evangelical Wiccan Church. They are organized
for the purpose of conducting and promoting religious worship on alternative Spiritual Paths. Their Church provides
open, public venues for the practice of the Old Religions; they promote community benevolence efforts, spiritual counseling,
and religious educational programs. They believe that there are many paths leading to the same spiritual dwelling place,
and they affirm the right of any individual to choose his or her own path, and the right of any group to worship the Divine
in any lawful manner they may choose. Their beliefs are embodied in the Covenant of Five Tenets. While they honor
and embrace as family all religious orientations, their Clergy and Kindred practice Traditional Craft Wicca (TCW) as an Earth-based
mystery religion. Though they are chartered by the State of Texas, branches of the Sacred Well family tree extend far and
wide.They work in harmony and purpose with a number of individuals all across North America, Europe and Asia to promote tolerance,
understanding and love for all Paths Sacred. They are, in concept and in fact, a Church without walls.
Founded in 1974 by Selena Fox, Circle Sanctuary is a non-profit organization dedicated to networking, research, spiritual
healing, community celebrations, and education. The Circle sponsors gatherings and encourages Nature preservation with Nature
meditations and workshops celebrated at diverse locations including the Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve, a 200 acre site
in the forested hills of southwestern Wisconsin, USA. We advocate religious freedom through the Lady Liberty League and foster
interfaith dialogues which strive toward multicultural cooperation. Circle Sanctuary maintains the Circle Network, an information
exchange and contact service which links together individuals, groups, networks, centers, and other groupings of Pagans/Nature
Spirituality practitioners throughout the world.
The Nashville Pagan Pride group is committed to working throughout the year to bring events to the pagan community, outside
of their annual Pagan Pride Day. This group of people are high energy and always open to new people, so if you want to get
involved in the community, this is one group you should join!
The above
graphic links you to the Nashville Pagan Coffee House listing on the Vox. They also offer a Yahoo Group that you can join:
This group of folks is open to pagans from all lifestyles. They
are highly motivated and enjoy meeting new people and offering special speakers and topics of conversation. If you have time
to venture to this chat, it will be worth your time and gas. While you are there, you can shop at the Pagan store (Magical
Journey) right next-door!
Officers of Avalon represents Pagans who work as police officers and other professionals in the emergency services. Officers
of Avalon wants to show the world that they follow valid and respectable spiritual paths. They want to show the
people of the free world that some of the people who are defending that freedom are Pagans like us. They provide a support
network for those Pagans within the emergency services who do not yet feel that they can safely make their Pagan beliefs public.
Murray State University Student Pagan Association |
MSU has an active and vibrant Student Pagan Association (SPA), each year they host a Beltane celebration out at Land
Between the Lakes. If you are a student at Murray and are seeking other pagans to network with please click their graphic
above and it will take you to their website!
Fort Campbell |
Phoenix Rising Fellowship(SWC) |
Vision We share in common life experiences. We differ in perspectives
and choices. With Mother Earth as our altar to all that is Divine, together we celebrate that gift that is the sacred drama
of life through individual and shared responsible spiritual stewardship of ourselves, our environment, and our community.
Mission Statement Fort Campbell's Phoenix Rising Fellowship (PRF)
exists as a religious space (Open Circle) for its spiritually Earth-centric and Nature-based Military Community. Those of
us who are here physically, as well as those who are here in mind or spirit only, come together with the goal of sharing in
the observances of all Earth-centric and Nature-based sacred rites, life passages, and other religious activities.
We are dedicated to the 5 Tenets.
Meetings are held in Room 111 at 3203 Indiana Ave (Religious Education Center, next to Skies Unlimited)
Grey Sage DFGL (Phoenix Rising Fellowship (SWC)) Fort Campbell, KY 42223 931.561.1495 email:
Mailing Address Phoenix Rising Fellowship (SWC) c/o DFGL & Liberty Chapel 3111
Bastogne Fort Campbell, KY 42223
***Phoenix Rising Fellowship(SWCI) was established on 30 January 2010 at Fort Campbell, KY. We are
sponsored by Sacred Well Congregation International (SWCI) [] and the only Earth-centric, Nature-based,
organization recognized on Fort Campbell.***
"Our mission is to advocate for those that are faced with harassment or discrimination,
facilitate networking within the military Pagan community, and provide information to military and government agencies regarding
various Neopagan practices and suggest additions or modifications to regulations and policies to include and take into consideration
Neopagan religions and practices. Joining the MPN is easy, all it takes is one application, a copy of your military ID
and $10 to join!"
Aquarian Tabernacle Church |
The Aquarian Tabernacle Church, the "ATC," or sometimes just "The Tab" is the creation of Pete Pathfinder Davis, who
serves as Archpriest along with Deborah K. Hudson, who is Archpriestess of the tradition worldwide. ATC is based on English
Traditional Wicca, with a focus of serving the larger Pagan communities by providing open worship opportunities to the public,
education, interfaith liaison, and in general, providing the infrastructure available to the followers of most faiths, but
previously just not available to Wiccans and Pagans. Things like major Sabbat festivals, full and new moon worship, a place
to gather, a lending library, and many other services associated with faith communities. Visit their website for more information
about their other endeavors!
Isis Invicta Military Mission |
The Isis Invicta Military Mission began in 1998 as a “daughter mission” within the Temple of Isis. The founders,
Rev. Rona Coomer-Russell & Rev. Ian MacWatt, designed the IIMM program for the express purpose of providing guidance &
instruction for those who wished to serve as community leaders within the U.S. military Neo-Pagan populace. Candidates who
complete the IIMM coursework are granted the title of Officiant. This program is specifically designed to fulfill DoD regulations
to prepare the aspirant to function as an effective lay leader for chapel-sponsored (i.e. on-base) Neo-Pagan faith groups.
After an initial 12-month term serving as an Officiant, the lay leader may apply to renew the term of service and/or may be
provided with the opportunity to apply for ordination as a priest/ess of the Temple of Isis.